Super Swift vs. Tiny Temper Trump

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I’ve had this idea in my head for a while now, of Taylor Swift as a comic book super heroine. I can’t draw but thanks to AI this can be relatively easily achieved with a prompt. I say relatively easily because I didn’t get quite what I wanted and the more I tried to (via the prompt) the further away it went from what I wanted to so I had to pick the first result… For example, I wanted a more realistic TTT, in terms of physique, but when I tried to, I was left with SS only.

OpenArt AI generated images
OpenArt AI generated images

Prompt on OpenArt: “Marvel Comic book style Taylor Swift as superhero called Super Swift fighting Donald Trump supervillain Tiny Temper Trump”
I also used a real photo of them as a facial reference, hence the clear likeness.

Super Swift vs. Tiny Temper Trump
Super Swift vs. Tiny Temper Trump – generated via OpenArt image AI

And “taylor swift as superhero fighting donald trump supervillain” Brave AI text generator

In this epic battle, Taylor Swift, aka “Super Swift” harnesses her powerful vocals and song writing skills to take down Donald Trump, aka “Tiny Temper Trump,” as a supervillain.

As a hero, Swift’s abilities include:
Harmonic Blasts: Super Swift can channel her music into sonic waves, capable of shattering Tiny Temper Trump defences and sending him stumbling back.
Lyrical Illusions: With her mastery of language and storytelling, Swift can create elaborate illusions, making it difficult for Trump to discern reality from fiction.
Rhythmic Reflexes: Swift’s agility and quick reflexes allow her to dodge Trump’s attacks with ease, countering with swift (pun intended) and precise strikes.

Tiny Temper Trump wields:
Verbal Venom: Trump’s mastery of divisive rhetoric and propaganda can poison the minds of those around him, turning them against Swift and her heroic efforts.
Economic Entanglements: Trump’s business acumen and connections can ensnare Swift in complex webs of financial deceit, attempting to cripple her heroic endeavours.
Media Manipulation: Trump’s control over the media can distort the truth, making it seem as though Swift is the villain, and he is the hero.

Key Battles:
The Battle of the Ballads: Taylor unleashes a barrage of heartfelt ballads, overwhelming Trump’s defences and leaving him reeling. Trump retaliates with a wave of divisive rhetoric, but Swift’s lyrics prove too powerful, shattering his illusions and sending him stumbling back.

The Showdown of Song writing: Tiny Temper Trump attempts to counter with his own brand of “alternative facts” and propaganda, but Swift’s mastery of storytelling and lyrical precision allows her to expose his deceit, rendering his attacks ineffective.

The Finale of Fan Power: As the battle reaches its climax, Swift’s fans, inspired by her heroism, rally behind her, amplifying her powers and creating a tidal wave of support. Trump’s attempts to manipulate the media and turn the public against Swift fail, as her fans’ enthusiasm and dedication prove too strong.

Conclusion: In the end, Super Swift emerges victorious, having defeated Tiny Temper Trump through her unwavering commitment to truth, justice, and the power of music. As the dust settles, Taylor’s heroism inspires a new era of hope and unity, while Trump’s villainous schemes are relegated to the dustbin of history.

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