Day Three, on the road to Grand Canyon

August 4th 2014 – Day 3, on the road to Grand Canyon

Slightly better night’s sleep, but once again wide awake at 3am for an hour, could hear stag party somewhere but not too loud. Our room was actually peaceful, noise wise.

Up at 4:30 and then out at 5:10 am, taxi to bus station. Rained a lot overnight, and will rain all day, but rest of week until we leave promises to be sunny.

Mild panic at station after we checked in and were then told we needed tags for our cases. Luckily queue for tags was small. We are now waiting for bus to leave, I’m still within stations WiFi range. Blogging from phone is fun, if a bit slow typing wise.

Got to Flagstaff and walked to where the car hire office was meant to be, at train station. Except that had moved to the airport. so we got a taxi there. Smallest airport! Only tiny planes, is that what we will fly on the 9th?

Picked car up, it was Jeff’s first time driving on the right hand side but he only told us once we got The Maswik, Grand Canyon! We are staying at room 6902, White Fir building. No internet in our rooms, only in the main area. The view from our window:
Lodge window view

Went for a wander at the back of our lodge, and took a right, followed the trail, and boom! Found the Grand Canyon! Breathtaking! So we walked up the trail, and as we are 2000m up we suddenly got out of breath, and I started feeling like I had vertigo. We got to a high point, took some photos and headed back down, which was much easier than going up. That’s Daniel, he made me very nervous throughout the walk, being so near edges…
First view of Grand Canyon!

I was getting vertigo, quite a lot, I normally don’t. Maybe it’s the altitude making me queasy.

Had dinner at the Maswik lodge canteen. Just plain, cheap food. Tried to go on WiFi for a bit, Jeff bought a hat, but we were so exhausted we fell asleep at 9. Daniel was out trying to upload his photos and stayed out later. It feels very safe here.

Flickr photostream today’s Grand Canyon Day Photos

Direct Link:

It’s our wooden wedding anniversary (5 years) and my birthday today.  I collected a wooden stick to bring back with us as a memento.
Wood Wedding Anniversary - 5 years