Day Twelve, Venice Shopping/Santa Monica Pier

August 13th 2014 – Day Twelve, Venice Shopping/Santa Monica Pier

Got up the latest, so far, 7:15. But still didn’t make it down till 11. Jeff went for a run and saw a guy on skateboard wearing a suit and carrying a case… Looked like he was on his way to work.

Bought some underwear at Patagonia, much cheaper here. Jeff bought shirts and shorts. Tried to get bus number 1 to Venice but driver had no change for $10!!! So we got a taxi for $9 instead. Bought suede boots and dress at native Indian shop.

Got massive pint cans, one each, and sat by skating area for a while.

Then went looking for Mexican skulls, found some, bought them. Here they be:


It was another weird and wonderful wander…  We took another break to watch some filming and this guy seemed to be ‘security’ for the crew, he was running around while the camera man filmed a girl in roller skates go around a couple. It was kinda funny.

A man approached us to talk to us about guns, i.e. he said he guessed right that the security man had a .45, then he talked about gun ranges for a while and how he used to be a ‘weapons expert’. And demonstrated how far a couple of gun ranges were. And how he could blow someone’s brain off 1km away. Then he said he was 50 years old, but he looked younger (he actually did). We shook hands and he wandered off.

We walked along the beach from Venice to Santa Monica pier (about 25 mins walk). So nice! Then we took some photos under the pier, watched a bit of volleyball for 5 mins and went back to hotel to meet Daniel who didn’t want to come with us today. We got back at 5, started packing our bags then the three of us went out to Santa Monica pier for sunset and dinner. Took some photos with my camera. Didn’t know you could fish in there… So many people fishing! We ate at Rusty’s Surf Ranch once the sun set. Cheapest place so far but pretty decent food. I had a Carnitas Taco Plate for $12…

Upper back and chest are so itchy!!! I guess skin be peeling soon.

Mobile phone photos, didn’t take Lumix camera out during the day…

Evening Santa Monica Pier photos: