Day Four, Grand Canyon

August 5th 2014 – Day 4, Grand Canyon

Would have been the perfect night’s sleep, except Daniel’s alarm went off at 4:30, this had been set for Vegas and he forgot to turn it off. We left the lodge at 9:30 and got a bus to the Visitor centre, booked helicopter trip for tomorrow. Then walked back from Mather Point towards Maswik lodge. We took amazing photos, but it was getting too hot, so Daniel made his way back while Jeff and I walked another 2km to El Tovar, where we had coffee and got bus back to Maswik (could have walked back, it’s quite near but we didn’t know). It was 15:00 by then.

Flickr photostream today’s Grand Canyon Photos (tried different ways of ordering the photos but nothing seems to work properly)

Direct Link:

My arms got a bit burned as I didn’t put suntan lotion on… Luckily I was wearing a hat. Daniel and Jeff put lotion on so they were ok. We went on the internet for a while and then had dinner at Arizona room, where they serve steak and there’s a nice view of the Canyon. We stayed there for the sunset and left at 20:30. Daniel and I went to the shop, Jeff went back to the lodge (too much wine?). We looked at the stars on the way back, but the moon was too bright, even then, you could see the milky way, faintly, and lots of bright stars. In bed by 10!

I got this top, it’s very light and airy, and colourful.

We found that there’s some wifi in our room, not enough to upload photos though, so the Grand Canyon pics will have to wait. Also I’m taking so many it’s probably better if I go through them after the trip is done.