Day Ten, Venice and Mulholland Drive

August 11th 2014 – Day 10, Venice and Mulholland Drive

Once again, wide awake at 6. Went for a run alone this time, Jeff is still sleeping and it’s nearly 8. Daniel is having a shower. While running I was thinking about this place. Every so often, quite often, you get hit by the smell of weed. Even early this morning, it happened a couple of times when I ran past people sat on benches. Either that or they grow wild, which I doubt. So it’s not just on Venice beach. The requirements to get weed on prescription are shown on the signs by the weed doctor’s entrance, they include anxiety and depression. Basically anyone can get weed. The weed doctors wear a green uniform, will see if I can get a photo today. We walked past at least 3 places dispensing weed. You can get salvia quite easily too.

Another thing I thought about while running, people seem happier, I got smiled at by randoms a couple of times this morning, there’s more eye contact. Sure, it’s a holiday place, but it’s never like that in Spain, or any other places I’ve been too. But there’s also a sadness, I noticed, when I was walking back. There was a woman sat on a corner, with suitcases. She was wiping her face, as if she was wiping tears away. There was also another woman with suitcases on a bench, she was there when I started running, and there when I came back – also with a bit of sad vibe. The morning was the most beautiful so far, yesterday’s was cloudy, today was clear…

Being in the sun without much protection was, of course, a bad idea, I’m burned, again. Wearing the robe after shower is painful. Bought some spray sport suntan lotion, hopefully that will encourage me to use it. I hate putting sun tan lotion on. I’m so lazy sometimes.

We drove to Venice beach as it’s a long walk from where we are and we were going for a drive to Hollywood later in the day. We got there by 11:30 and sunbathed until 13:30ish. Both Daniel and I have different levels of burn. Daniel his feet, my shoulders can’t take the sun anymore, so gave them a break today. The sea was rough!!!! Beautiful, just love watching it when it’s like that.

We had some fun sunbathing today, went in the sea with Daniel. I used to be quite the sea swimmer when I lived in Rio, catching waves every Sunday. I’m respectful of it and the sea here I don’t know at all, it looks dangerous, so I’ve stayed on the edge. I told Daniel all my sea tips, including how to pee without having to go to the deep end. You can just stand there. If the water is particularly cold, sit on the wet sand, but far enough from water, then once done, go for a quick dip, from waist down only. Wisdom is a beautiful thing.

Then we walked through Venice Beach from end to end, for Daniel to see it. He was mesmerised by this percurssionist and film maker: Rachel Jael – everyone was. So he filmed her and I took some photos: (can’t embed with Google+ but it’s been the easiest way to share video, as it gets automatically uploaded from my phone). Looks like she lives in London!

We also bought 5 tops for $20 from Venice Beach Cali Shop and a watch for Daniel…
Here are the tops, first two Daniel’s… The ladies tops are 5% elastane, and cotton. Men’s are 100% cotton.wpid-imag0471_1.jpg



And I got this one


We were tired (too much sun? too much walking yesterday? Both? My eyes were actually hurting with tiredness) and decided to go to Hollywood hike tomorrow first thing then sunbathe after. So we went for a drive to Mullholland drive. My turn to drive and we were out in LA traffic (not too bad) for over an hour, there and back. Daniel took photos of the drive, will upload later. I uploaded the Venice Beach ones. Daniel took some of those too.

Day Ten Photos

Went for dinner at another Italian restaurant. Bought new suitcase as mine was falling apart and had no space. Want to bring staff back and I have no space!