RJ 28/05/1989 Sunday – Friburgo with Gustavo

RJ 28/05/1989 Sunday – Friburgo with Gustavo

Hello! Just got back from Friburgo. Gustavo did go, but nothing happened, NOTHING, but I haven’t given up yet. We arrived in Friburgo at 12:30. Mrs Nina liked Gustavo and we stayed at her place. Him and Gabi in one room, Mrs Nina and I in the other, Maira, Claudio and Julia in the other. We went for a spin in town in the afternoon and I bought a yellow jumper. In the evening we (me, Gustavo, Maira & Claudio) went to a restaurant to eat and drink. We had a lot of fun.

We played buraco (canasta) and argued all day Friday. Maira and Claudio didn’t want to go out in the evening so the two of us went out, but it was cold and boring, so we went back to the flat. That was the most romantic day as Mrs Nina went out and the two of us talked alone in the bedroom for ages. He told me about the 2 most important relationships in his life and he told me he was going out with the other Luciana when he came after me in March. I was upset at the time, but was fine after 10 minutes. After that things weren’t so romantic and we just argued and did a lot of play fighting and beating each other up.

On Saturday me, Maira, Gabriel, Gustavo, Rolha and a friend of his went on the cable car, but it was cold and raining. Really cold! When we were up there Gustavo and I smelt weed and saw some guys smoking and Gustavo went there to smoke with them. I didn’t want to go. He came back completely changed. He was the owner of the truth, full of himself. We went back down and played pinball. I downed a drink just before we came down on the cable car and was a bit dizzy, then we went to get some food for Gustavo. He stopped in a shop and started trying on all the clothes (tripping!) while I went to play pinball. We started arguing when he came back and I left him there. He came running after and we made peace. I told him it was hard to put up with him when he smokes. It’s like he’s done coke when he smokes. He calmed down after that. We played capoeira in the car park and went upstairs. We went out in the evening, just the two of us, at 23:00, for Gustavo to eat again and we played pinball again. Maira and Claudio didn’t want to go out, again. There was no chemistry between us today, just friends vibe, and we were never alone.

This morning me, him and Gabriel went on the cable car, more pinball in the afternoon, after lunch we played Sueca with Maira and Claudio. We came back down to Rio at 17:20. Guess who was on the bus back from Tres Rios? Wagner! I didn’t see him on the bus, we only met near our building. Shame!

Gustavo is such a moron sometimes… Other times he’s great… It’s raining hard!