RJ 23/08/1989 Wednesday

RJ 23/08/1989 Wednesday

Watched Je Vous Salue, Marie (Jean-Luc Godard) in the morning with Maira and Claudio. I don’t see what’s so great about this film. I didn’t understand the function of a certain couple in the film, perhaps only Godard can explain it.

I went to Keyla’s in the afternoon and we went to Rio Sul shopping centre, but we got on the wrong bus and ended up in Copacabana, but we still got there in time, but her friends we were supposed to meet with were an hour late! We caught up and laughed while we waited. The way back was shit, the buses were packed, everyone in a bad mood and terrible traffic.

I tried calling Luciana at night but it was engaged, later she called me (telepathy), saying she’d been on the phone with Marcos but suspected I might be trying to call. She said lots of people were stunned by my departure. I did what Rodrigo did, when he moved to Uberlandia!