RJ 21/08/1989 Monday – Brasilia

RJ 21/08/1989 Monday – Brasilia

Sadly I’m back already, this morning. I left Brasilia quietly, without telling most people I was leaving except Gino, Luciana and Alexandra. Marco came looking for me yesterday when I was leaving so he found out as well. Him, Luciana, Patricia and my mum took me to the station. I was crying all day yesterday, I didn’t want to come back. It was fucked up! I just wanted to die. This time I’m convinced that city is the best place in the world. I took 117 photos. Well, let’s do it in stages…

Gino: When I got there we went straight to the club and then Pontão to watch a foot volley championship. When we got back to Luciana and Patricia’s Gino was there waiting. I looked at his face and I felt nothing, I think he felt the same. Only when we went out at night to Pontão that we got together. We were getting on but I started to step on the ball. Gino managed to find a flat for us to stay, it was all arranged. We went out with everyone to Gilberto and then we went back to the hot dog stand (the new meeting point for the gang, on the corner of 405/406). But everyone, about 30 people, was going to a Karaoke bar in Núcleo, very famous. Gino didn’t want to go, the gang wanted me to come. I left Gino behind with the keys to the flat and went to Karaoke. I danced, drank and laughed. I couldn’t understand why I did that because I was the one who suggested he find us a flat. We only made love twice while I was there. Once on the stairs – I had my first real orgasm with someone ever, like I was seeing stars! Amazing! But we argued a lot too. I don’t know. I reached the conclusion it’s a serious case of physical attraction because he’s too silly, square and anti-social for my liking. But he’s tasty!
You know what? I don’t want to talk about it and tell you all right now. It hurts too much.


With Alexandra and André