RJ 05/05/1989 Friday

RJ 05/05/1989 Friday

Crap, crap, FUCK! Now my mother came up with this one: I can’t go to Brasilia now because the IBGE strike messed up her work calendar and she can’t stay there for four days and my exams start soon. So, I can’t go anytime soon. I feel so frustrated! I’ve been expecting to go for centuries and now, when the time is near… It feels like an endless abyss. How I cried. I dream every night I’m there, I think about it all day, I get calls about it, letters, from friends asking “when will you arrive” and then… What a punch in the face!

Gino called me in the afternoon and I gave him the terrible news. He was upset and said if he could he’d do something to help. What a disappointment! Gustavo will love the news.

I talked to Maira when I got home from University (she came down from Friburgo). I love talking to her.