RJ 02/06/1989 Friday

RJ 02/06/1989 Friday

Today I was applauded in English class. Fred is awesome, if only he wasn’t married! I only got one preposition wrong on the homework, everyone else got 5 or 6 wrong… As prepositions are one of the hardest things to learn in English and I only got one wrong, Fred made everyone clap!!! Awwww.

Gustavo hasn’t called and vice-versa. He said, in Friburgo, that he didn’t want to see me again for a long time, as he got sick of seeing me. I also said it, but I was lying. We haven’t spoken since Monday.

I called Antonio but he was at university.

I had fun at UERJ yesterday, we only had Portuguese class. Me and Ana Lucia checked out the guy in Latin class. I got lucky yesterday and went up on the same lift as him. He has a baby face! Shame there was no Latin today, only exam results and genius here got 90%, just with a quick revision beforehand. I’m awesome you know!? Me, Marilia, Luiz Fidelis (the charming man), Christiane, Luciana and Jane went for a beer in a bar opposite UERJ. Things are getting better there! We talked until 10, then I came home. Maira, Julia and Gabriel were here and Claudio was home when I arrived. He said he really likes Gustavo… Maira said Antonio called and he was going to find me at UERJ, he either didn’t go or he didn’t find me.

Today there was some chemistry between me and Luiz. I wonder? I’m not even going to think about it to avoid anything happening. I think Marilia fancies him. Why not take time out? Enough of all these passions! But they keep happening!