BSB 26/05/1986 Monday

BSB 26/05/1986 Monday

It was Renata’s (from Goiania) birthday yesterday, I called her. I stayed at home all day then went to Gilberto in the evening. We went to Luiz’s job first as we were going together. He was printing some shirts to deliver today at 10am. 1000 shirts for candidate Guilherme from FL. If I see anyone wearing those shirts in the street I will strangle them because instead of going to Gilberto we stayed there until 4:30am, printing and folding these damned shirts!

My mum was very angry when I got home, but I told her what we were doing and it was fine. I woke up at 12:30 today, as it’s a holiday. Yesterday it was F1 GP in Belgium, Airton Senna came in second and got 6 points, he’s now in the lead with 22 points.

I had an argument with Ana. It’s because although Renata went away, she must have planted some bad seeds in Ana’s head, gossip and lies. I stayed in all day, and at around six Ana came to tell me all about her day out with Vivi. We went to the pizzeria to get her some pizza and I asked her why her and Renata hadn’t asked me to go to the cinema with them on Sunday. She said ‘Everyone gets what they deserve’. I said ‘WHAT?’ to make sure I heard it right, and she said ‘That’s right’, then I said ‘Ok, so everyone gets what they deserve, is that right? Fine, goodbye then’. What the hell? I hate these mind games, giving me clichés and not explaining what the actual problem is!