BSB 23/11/1986 Sunday

BSB 23/11/1986 Sunday

I went to Assefe on Saturday and then Vizinhanca on Sunday. Henrique was there today. So good to see my beloved. But that club is so busy! The pool is dirty, I can’t even swim in it. When I was leaving, and thinking Henrique had gone, he walked to me and asked if I was leaving. We talked a bit and he asked me to call him to see if we could go to the show at Zoom. I asked him to call me. He got all stressed out and said I should call him as he called me before. I told him to calm down and that I called him yesterday and he wasn’t home. He calmed down but asked me to call him. I called him later and he said he was revising and wasn’t going to Zoom. I can barely wear any clothes, I’m so burned.