BSB 01/05/1986 Thursday

BSB 01/05/1986 Thursday

Renata, Ana and I went to Assefe in the morning. At around midday they decided to go to Flavia’s mansion and as I didn’t want to go I walked home alone.

Around three Alexandra, Ivone and I went to Cristina’s and stayed there for a couple of hours. Wilma has her baby, Marta, Wilma’s friend, is 5 months pregnant, and Monique is pregnant too. Seems to be the new fashion. Ana’s sister, Marta, is also pregnant, but she’s 26 and married. All the other girls are between 16-19… We went home at 16:30

At 5:30 Renata, Ana, Alexandra and I decided to go to the cinema to see Fright Night. William gave us a lift there. What a great movie! I nearly died of fright! It’s about vampires.