BSB 29/10/1985 Tuesday

BSB 29/10/1985 Tuesday

Fabiane and Lara got their photos back from the trip and as I ruined the ones I took I’m going to borrow their negatives and get copies. We rehearsed the play, which is shit, but at least my conscience is clear. At the start of the year I picked dance, not theatre, and I didn’t pick Antigone either, I voted for Salomão. So I don’t care if it goes well or not. All the people who voted for Antigone are now complaining that they don’t like it, but they have no right to complain. People get the government they deserve.

When school finished there was a massive storm. My mum went to Goiania again. When I got home I called Henrique and we arranged to miss English today. Both our groups are doing the Geography assignment on the same subject, and we are both talking about the same subject. We decided to miss English to study our part for tomorrow.

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