BSB 29/08/1985 Thursday

BSB 29/08/1985 Thursday

Didn’t do much in Portuguese (1st period). 8C didn’t have PAE (teacher still not coming in), Henrique and Riba walked past the window. Didn’t have second period but there was no one to move class up, because the other half of the class had PCS. In Maths we learned new stuff. Stayed with Henrique and Riba during the break (me, Pat, Fabi and Karina). Hardly any classes had the last two periods, except for us, teachers wouldn’t let us go. Everyone else watched the Handball game. Today Renata starts her run at the National Threatre, with her ballet academy (Norma Lilia), for five days, got a lift with her to English today.

We left 20 minutes earlier to sing at the ‘Aquario’, as Monday is CIL’s 10th year anniversary and there will be an all day party, anyone can go. Everyone was singing, I was with Henrique, Pat Lima and Fernanda. I think Orlando stopped doing English.

When singing stopped we went to the library (Henrique and I), to do work on the English assignment. We did absolutely none of it, we just talked from 15:10 to 16:30. The librarian complained a few times. He wrote on my notebook and I wrote him a little letter, he wrote on my pencil case and we swapped pens. We talked about Daniele, and he said he only liked one girl in his entire life, they were together for 1 year. Henrique is cool and thinks sniffing chloroform is stupid. He’s 14 and his 15th birthday is on 03/11.

We left CIL and when we walked past the gates three military cars drove by and they were teasing us, telling Henrique to do ‘something’ to me. I was laughing and Henrique told them to get lost. We walked together to 107S, then he turned to go to 108 and I came home. He says he must read my diary at all costs.

Inflation in August was the biggest ever at 14%!!!!

My mum is back from Goiania, she brought me shoes, a shirt and a little purse

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