BSB 28/11/1985 Thursday

BSB 28/11/1985 Thursday

Had Portuguese test in the first period. The atmosphere of the penultimate day was heavy. Johny talked about this new school ‘Modelo’ and almost convinced everyone to go there. During the break I had a massive fall! Riba startled me, I bumped into Johny then I fell down. We rehearsed during the last period, after History. I walked home with Henrique and we arranged to go and take a look at Sigma school, after English, and the Modelo school. At around 16:00 he came here on his bike, we were on our way to Sigma but the bike broke down, we dropped it at 108 and got Riba to come with us. We took the bus to 912, we didn’t know where Sigma was but we walked until we found it. I didn’t like it, seemed sinister. Setor Oeste seems ok.

We got back not having a clue where we want to go and study. We walked back to 108, I nearly died. We sat under Riba’s block (109, block D). Henrique held me really tight and said he wouldn’t let me go, he did it for ages, then I got annoyed and demanded he let me go. I left around 7. Later on Henrique called saying he was going to Paracatu tomorrow and that he wouldn’t see me again, and that he didn’t want be away from me, and I ended up crying. He asked me what I was doing, I said I was writing in my diary. Silence. He was sad. He said ‘I’m coming to see you now’.

He came, and asked to read my diary. I was sad about him leaving tomorrow. I regreted handing him my diary as soon as I did it, but it was too late. He read it all. I didn’t care anymore. The weather closed in, he got on his bike and said ‘I like your diary. It’s a shame I don’t have the courage’. I was just stunned and sad. One day I will make him sad too…

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