BSB 27/08/1985 Tuesday

BSB 27/08/1985 Tuesday

Again, no PAE class, the teacher didn’t go, so we sat at the bench behind the canteen. Ana Paula, who used to study at Caseb, came in today and said that on Saturday Henrique and Riba called her asking for my telephone number. Science class was dull. We had two History classes today. 8C had a Portuguese test and as it was a long test Henrique and Riba came out 5 minutes after the break started, and we were talking, and Patricia too. The bell rang, and Patricia ran off, Riba walked ahead of us and I was talking to Henrique. As I was getting into our corridor Paulo stopped and kissed me 3 times on the cheek and Henrique said he wanted some kisses too.

We were talking and Arthur walked past and started teasing me and Henrique said ‘Don’t even think about messing with her’. I wish he actually meant it, but he was just being polite and defending me. In English Henrique called me a ‘great friend’, and we walked home together, him talking about Daniele and how I fancy Orlando…

Natacha came home with me then went home, she’s coming back at 11 as she’s doing some course… I got a lift with Lu to English. Talked to Henrique at the start of class and we arranged to meet at the end but as he was taking so long I left, before I know it he was next to me, pulling my bag, asking for me to wait for him. To be honest I consider Henrique a friend, maybe in the future, a great friend. I’m just being silly when I think I like him as more, I just want to be friends…

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