BSB 26/11/1985 Tuesday

BSB 26/11/1985 Tuesday

Lara managed to get the Science test answers, the whole class got 90%, as one of the answers was wrong, and everyone got it wrong. After the test I was talking to Arthur, who was skipping class. The Portuguese teacher asked me to write a thank you note to the Social Director of AEB, they want a student to thank them for Friday.

Henrique was going to wait for me after school, but we were rehearsing until 12:05. No English today either as I don’t have to take the test. What a shame! I can’t walk home with Henrique anymore. I don’t think anything is going to happen between us. Pat F. isn’t very lucky, ha! On Friday Henrique said he was going to call her, and go and meet her mum, this weekend. He didn’t do any of that and doesn’t even talk to her anymore. HA HA!

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