BSB 24/08/1985 Saturday

BSB 24/08/1985 Saturday

No dance rehearsal today, and yesterday we danced at Setor Leste.

Renata, a girl from dance class, got left out of the 1st dance and at the back for all other dances. She’s really useless at dancing, makes no effort, doesn’t stay behind to rehearse after class. So her mother turns up on Monday asking why her daughter wasn’t at the front! Cristina said there were other students who danced better than she did. Then on Weds she turned up again to watch the class, then talked to Cristina and told her daughter was the best dancer!!!! Then Renata’s mother spoke to Ana, who owns the academy, and said that if her daughter didn’t dance at the front on ALL dances she would take all her daughters out! If it was a decent academy Ana would have told the crazy woman where to go, but oh no, the stupid idiot ordered Cristina to put the pain in the arse that is Renata right at the front. Cristina was infuriated, saying she wouldn’t take anyone from the front to put that useless girl in there instead. If that’s how things were meant to work then we would all take our mum’s in! Cristina said she would leave the academy if she had to put the girl at the front…

We only found out all this yesterday and decided to talk to horrible Renata after class. Fa, Lu, Martha and, Renatão and I told her there was a good chance Cristina might lose her job because of her. Renata got all insulted and left swearing and crying (spoilt brat). Then her mother took her out of the academy…

In the afternoon I went to Parkshopping with Ana Amelia, her mum, sister and nieces, and met Celio and Pulguinha there. Then we went to have some pizza. In the evening Natacha came here and we watched ‘Festival of Festivals’, second stage. I have reached the conclusion this festival is a fix. Once again the best song wasn’t chosen.

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