BSB 22/09/1985 Sunday

BSB 22/09/1985 Sunday

In the morning me, Vivi and Ana were talking. We were going for a bike ride but Vivi’s tyre was flat and Ana couldn’t borrow a bike from anyone. Ana went home and then Marcia turned up, we went to 404 as there was some leisure event going on, but it was very quiet so we walked back, then talked to William and at around 1:00 I went up home.

In the afternoon the three of us went down and stayed on the I block with Gino and Binho. I then went home to have a shower, while Ana and Vivi waited for me. When I went down again Andre was there, and we then went to Summer, and sat on a car. I saw Orlando on the other side of the street, but ignored him. Junior, Daniele’s beloved, was there, he’s quite attractive. There was a catwalk show, from Linha Viva, a shop at 205. It started at 18:00. Andre kept chatting me up, annoying… We met Cristina, she gave up on going to Rio, Alex and Renata. We went home after the show.

Spring is here but it’s still dry, today was a bit fresher but I found out the humidity was down to 13%

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