BSB 20/09/1985 Friday

BSB 20/09/1985 Friday

The Geography teacher marked the test for Wednesday as she has finished our book. Next week is full of tests: English (24th & 26th), Geography (25th), Maths (26th), Science (25th) and Portuguese (29th). In PE we just chatted with the teachers, it was cool. Today Lara, me, Johnny and Orlando sat together and it was chaos. During the break Henrique barely spoke to us, Riba stayed with us.

The weather in Brasilia has been terrible, very dry, it’s been as low as 14% humidity! Apparently when it gets to 12%, schools have to close as well as everything else.

Mexico: very little information so far. The capital and four other cities were affected, and it was an 8. Here in Brasilia the seismograph registered the earthquake. So far 5 thousand people have died. I wonder how our friends in Mexico are.

Went to dance class in the afternoon but no Cristina, I guess she’s gone to Rio. In the evening Vivi and I went to Summer to have some ice cream as it’s so dry, and then we talked a bit under my block.

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