BSB 09/07/1985 Tuesday

BSB 09/07/1985 Tuesday

As today was the last PCS lesson it was complete chaos. The teacher was infuriated and said: “Right, whoever wants to leave, then leave!!!!” All but 7 people left, the 7 who were on the typewriters. Karina didn’t go to school today.

In Science we marked some old homeworks. We got our grades in History for the bimester and I got an A+. I worked hard this bimester and it was worth it! And the teacher already gave us two assignments, one for Thursday and one for the holiday.

Today was the best break of the year! I went to buy sweets and Marcelo was walking away. I bought my sweets, turned around and bumped into him. He took my hand and half of my sweet, I gave him the stare of death and walked away, he pulled me by the hand, but, sadly, he let go. When the bell rang I went to the office and when I was walking in he took both my arms, facing me, and asked all nicely if I liked the show. I looked at him and nearly fainted!!!

When school finished 6B left early, Daniele and Renata went after Magda, who was going to CIL, to fight. They provoked Magda so much and even pushed her, but the coward ran off. We left together, me, Marcelo and Daniele. All he talked about was the show, and his lolo, which was also strawberry flavour, unfortunately he’s not going to school tomorrow.

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