BSB 05/07/1985 Friday

BSB 05/07/1985 Friday

In Geography the teacher gave our results for the bimester, my average was 86%. But whoever did the graph test well today would get 10 points. I did well and my average went up to 96%. Orlando and I had the highest grades in the class. Natacha will get 95%. Lots of people did badly in the graph.

The PE teacher is back but can’t exercise. She stayed with us for a bit and let us go. Went to the cat zone with Karina and Fabi and the kitten was there. We had a Maths test and spent more time with the kitten during the break. During Portuguese, Karina, Fabi and I kept leaving to go look at the kitten. I think we are earning his trust, but he still won’t let us touch him. He has green eyes. It’s 15:15 and I’m going to get my English results for CIL with Ana, and then go to Dance.

From now on my English lessons at CIL will be from 13:55 to 15:10. This means getting home from school, eating, then going out again. A bit tight, no time to do anything, but this is the time I wanted.

Portuguese was funny! Zaira left the class for a bit, meanwhile Arthur and Alexandre walked by and realised there was no teacher. They walked in, messed about and as they were leaving Arthur grabbed my hand and kissed it.

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