05/03/1985 Tuesday

05/03/1985 Tuesday

PCS lesson was absolutely shite. The teacher changed my place, we argued. We didn’t have the second period, instead everyone went to the auditorium to listen to the usual start of the year talk. The whole school was there. Henrique and Ze were sat in front of us and Henrique kept leaning on my leg. The History lesson was good. During the break Henrique and Ze kept trying to make me eat their Dimdim but I refused. They ran after me to make me have a bite. I thought “there’s something weird here” but had a bit and as they didn’t laugh or have funny looks so I relaxed. Pat Lima, Figueired and I wandered around the school, looking at Marcelo, as usual. The 8th C is just madness, full of gorgeous guys! Karina went to some of those guys and told them we wanted to meet them. Stupid girl!

The Portuguese teacher didn’t show up again and Marli gave us some more homework, more mess! We had nothing during the last period so we just sat on a bench. We kept walking past Marcelo’s window and he must be getting a really big head by now. We came back talking with Henrique and Ze. Karina fancies Henrique’s brother (Gustavo, from the 7th B). He’s just a little boy, but she is tiny as well so they go together.

The dollar is 4,097 and 5,300 on the black market.

I went to say hi to Adriano before the English lesson and he was really cold. I will never speak to him again.