BSB 07/07/1985 Sunday

BSB 07/07/1985 Sunday It’s actually Monday and I’m in the Maths lesson. On Saturday there was a party Julhina at Caseb but I didn’t go as we had to rehearse for Dance, between 14:00 and 16:00. Sunday was great! In the morning I stayed at home, then at 13:00 I went to Renata’s and she … Read more

BSB 04/07/1985 Thursday

BSB 04/07/1985 Thursday Mario Eugenio’s case is in its closing stages. He died last year, he used to denounce corrupt policemen in Brasilia. When he was investigating a certain ‘Death Squad’ he was killed. The case was left without a resolution but the police suddenly solved it. There were 9 people involved. The top guy … Read more