RJ 03/05/1989 Wednesday

RJ 03/05/1989 Wednesday Gustavo called me unexpectedly yesterday saying he was coming here and arrived soon after. He moved to his dad’s in Botafogo on Monday and said he had no intention of ever going back to his mum’s. We hadn’t seen each other for long and it felt awkward. It’s always like this, no … Read more

RJ 01/05/1989 Monday

RJ 01/05/1989 Monday I’m exhausted! My aunt and uncle decided to make some changes to my bedroom and theirs. We carried books, the spare TV ended up in my room. Ouch! My back hurts. Gustavo called this morning saying he had called last night to ask me out to the cinema. I doubt it! He … Read more

RJ 30/04/1989 Sunday

RJ 30/04/1989 Sunday I was going to the beach with my aunt and uncle, I was ready, but then I decided not to go because it wasn’t very sunny. I’m really pale, but my mum wins it with her European paleness. As I had nothing to do I called Gustavo. Renata, his sister, knows my … Read more

RJ 29/04/1989 Saturday

RJ 29/04/1989 Saturday Gustavo called this morning but I was sleeping, then I called him. We were both in a bad mood and talking was difficult. He promised we’d see each other today, for sure. I broached the subject and just before we said goodbye I wished him a good weekend, making it clear I … Read more

RJ 28/04/1989 Friday

RJ 28/04/1989 Friday I was on the phone with Gustavo for an hour yesterday, he’s in a complicated situation, moving to his dad. He called today and said he was coming here, then said he wasn’t coming because he’s got a bad cold and his mum complained about him going out. I said he didn’t … Read more