RJ 04/06/1989 Sunday

RJ 04/06/1989 Sunday I was sleeping in the afternoon when aunt Italia, who was visiting, woke me up because Gino was on the phone! We hadn’t spoken for about three weeks and he gave me all the gossip. 405 is split. Paula, Manuela and Pollyana are hanging out with the people in the 406 and … Read more

RJ 02/06/1989 Friday

RJ 02/06/1989 Friday Today I was applauded in English class. Fred is awesome, if only he wasn’t married! I only got one preposition wrong on the homework, everyone else got 5 or 6 wrong… As prepositions are one of the hardest things to learn in English and I only got one wrong, Fred made everyone … Read more

RJ 24/05/1989 Wednesday

RJ 24/05/1989 Wednesday It was chaos at UERJ yesterday because of the assembly about strike. Our floor was utter confusion! There’s strike today so no Latin exam, thankfully! I did a Linguistics test yesterday and it was so, so, I didn’t revise. I’m studying a lot, but English. I got back my Literature exam result … Read more