RJ 23/08/1989 Wednesday

RJ 23/08/1989 Wednesday Watched Je Vous Salue, Marie (Jean-Luc Godard) in the morning with Maira and Claudio. I don’t see what’s so great about this film. I didn’t understand the function of a certain couple in the film, perhaps only Godard can explain it. I went to Keyla’s in the afternoon and we went to … Read more

RJ 22/08/1989 Tuesday – Brasilia

RJ 22/08/1989 Tuesday – Brasilia Raul Seixas died… Why are the most amazing people deciding to disincarnate this year? I was already sad, I cried a lot. I called Keyla yesterday. Eh, loneliness. I thought about Gustavo but didn’t call him. I think I only think about him because there’s no one else to think … Read more

RJ 21/08/1989 Monday – Brasilia

RJ 21/08/1989 Monday – Brasilia Sadly I’m back already, this morning. I left Brasilia quietly, without telling most people I was leaving except Gino, Luciana and Alexandra. Marco came looking for me yesterday when I was leaving so he found out as well. Him, Luciana, Patricia and my mum took me to the station. I … Read more

BSB 04/01/1988 Monday

BSB 04/01/1988 Monday Saturday night me, Luciana, Patricia and Marcos went to Espaço (a bar at 406) and Alberto, a guy I met ages ago, Dario and Luciano sat with us as they know Marcos. I drank way too much and was out of it. Around midnight we took Luciana and Patricia home and Alberto … Read more