London 16/12/1989 Saturday

London 16/12/1989 Saturday Today Carmen, Isabel, Joel and I went to see an exhibition of 150 years of photography. Very good! Marcos, Leda and their little boy also turned up. Half way through they announced it was closing in 15 minutes, so we just rushed through for the second half. I’m thinking about buying an … Read more

RJ 22/08/1989 Tuesday – Brasilia

RJ 22/08/1989 Tuesday – Brasilia Raul Seixas died… Why are the most amazing people deciding to disincarnate this year? I was already sad, I cried a lot. I called Keyla yesterday. Eh, loneliness. I thought about Gustavo but didn’t call him. I think I only think about him because there’s no one else to think … Read more

RJ 11/01/1989 Wednesday

RJ 11/01/1989 Wednesday I’m getting mad at Gino, why hasn’t he called for fuck’s sake? Hasn’t he arrived? Either way he should have called me. How inconsiderate! Stupid Gustavo hasn’t called for a week. Is he fucking sulking? (what a dirty mouth I have, fucking hell!) Today I was reading my diary from when I … Read more

RJ 27/05/1988 Saturday

RJ 27/05/1988 Saturday What a terrible day! I never felt such anguish. I’m lost and impotent to act. They poked my deepest wound. When I think about it I feel betrayed. Today I discovered that when they say the 1st love is forever it’s not a lie. It’s true! Last night I called Renata (it … Read more