Wednesday 26th February 2014 – Photos

Wednesday 26th February 2014 – Photos

Sophie Green from approached you and your friends when you were in the estate to take some photos.

I set up a gmail account for you years ago to which I sent you various details about accounts, and things I have written and my photos, as this really is my legacy.  My life’s work are my photos and diaries. I’m leaving them to you and email is the easiest way to pass it on.

The emails there get forwarded to me, so I got this in my inbox yesterday.  You were outraged and asked me to stop forwarding the messages.  You don’t seem to realise you have the power to do this.  I actually would have to logon to your account to stop it. I probably can’t do that, as I’d imagine you have changed the pwd by now…

Hey D and thatgreekboy,

How are you? It’s Sophie here, I took your pictures about 2 or 3 weeks ago. Sorry its taken a while to get in contact with your images. Here they are attached to the email. Hope you like…
I don’t know if you’ve had time to think about maybe letting me photograph you again, we can scrap the fashion shoot idea.

How would you feel if I was to come over to you again and just take some photographs of you on the estate, we could go on top of the roof like you suggested D, or just do whatever you normally do on a weekend but I would be there taking pictures of you. You wear your owns clothes and do your own thing and I would just document it, I think it could make a really cool series of images. I can offer you all the images and prints. I will think about money I can maybe offer you but giving you a heads up it really wont be a lot if I do manage to scrape some together, I know I have a nice camera but i am actually a poor student.

I would really like to photograph you again, both of you and maybe some of you friends could get involved to if they wanted too. Ari I know you mentioned you do boxing, I think this could make some really cool images too, think about it….

Check out these photographs by a photographer called Linda Brownlee

Not expecting you to jump up walls but the images would have this sort of look/feel.
What are your thoughts? I understand completely if you aren’t interested, so no pressure at all. Either way just let me know.

Hope your both good. Thanks again for stopping and letting me take your pictures that day.

Look forward to hearing from you

Sophie xx

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