Saturday 21st of June 2014 – People’s Assembly against Austerity March

Saturday 21st of June 2014 – People’s Assembly against Austerity March
People’s Assembly Twitter Feed (Twitter, futurally known as X)

There was little press coverage about this march, nothing from the BBC, I complained as have others. An estimated 50,000 people attended.

Francesca Martinez’s speech was moving and peppered with ‘F***s’ and all the better for it. And even The Farm were there, singing All Together Now. Their parting words: ‘The tories think this song is about football’.

Russel Brand is drawing in all the coverage, which is good, I guess, but somewhat discombobulating. The Guardian, The Express and Huffington Post wrote Brand centric reports. Still, better than nothing and at least he cares enough to add his support.

Logic MC (People’s Army) spoke his words, poetically and incisively, and this was the final act.

And stand alone version of ‘Beggin’ in HD

Only took a couple of shots with my mobile, didn’t take my camera – as it’s heavy and I wanted to travel light.

UPDATE: An article about the March, stating that marches need to be “interesting”… erm, whatever.

No, the media didn’t ignore your anti-austerity march – it just wasn’t that interesting
There’s no organised “media blackout” on reporting protest marches. More often than not, they just aren’t that much of a story.

By Willard Foxton

Sadly, it’s only when marches end in violence that they make the news.