Friday 28th February 2014 – More on photos

Friday 28th February 2014 – More on photos

Well, it seems you haven’t quite figured out how to stop the emails forwarding to me, it’s really very simple and I’m not going to tell you how to do it. You’re old enough to pester photographers for cigarettes, you figure out how to do it!

These emails landed on my inbox last night:  (I suggested you contact Sophie to get the photos taken sooner rather than later)

Thanks for your email. Glad your up for it. Good news. Course you can have all the photos high res and a 10″ by 8″ print and maybe a pack of cigarettes too ha. Whats your number? I will give you a call it’s easier if we talk on the phone.

On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 11:07 PM, D wrote:

Hey Sophie, good to hear from you. Thanks for emailing me the photos, they look great!

I would totally be up for you taking some photos with you, I would just need to know a few things; where and when would you want to do this? My estate would be ideal for me but I’m not fussed, whatever works for you. I would also need to know what clothes you would want me to wear and If I would need to bring anything myself. All I was really going to ask for was a 10″ by 8″ print and if you could possibly send me the final photos in a higher resolution than what you previously sent me. And maybe that pack of ciggarettes :D< That's it really, Just want to say thanks again for contact me, its much appreciated and I look forward to this, never know it might be fun 🙂 Lets take some fucking photos!!

Check you out with the swearing and the fags…  The 10×8 print was my idea. I was not impressed by your cheek (I was a little amused, but it’s different when you’re a parent), and was wondering if Sophie knew how you’re only 15 years old. So I contacted her last night by email…

Hello Sophie,

This is D’s mum here. You are more than welcome to take photos of him but don’t get him fags or anything thing of the sort. He thinks his emails no longer get forwarded to me, but it turns out I’m a computer programmer as well as being a keen photographer myself, so I know my way around a computer and a camera – he won’t be most pleased that I contacted you, but then again I’m not pleased about him smoking, and worse still, asking for people to get him some, so I guess we are even.
So while I’m very happy for you to take photos of my 15 year old, I’m not happy for him to smoke. Anything. Just tell him smoking is bad for him please if he asks for any – also, as you know, it’s illegal to provide children with cigarettes, so another good reason for you not to grant his wish. I’d really appreciate that.

If you don’t mention that I contacted you that’s absolutely fine 😉 It would probably be best for all involved.


Sophie replied back soon after

How are you. Thanks for your email. I completely understand. Of course I won’t supply him with cigarettes if it is against your wishes and more importantly the law! I appreciate that you are happy for me to take some more photos of him. Like I said to D I can give all copies and a print of the best photos in return.

I won’t mention the email don’t worry.  Perhaps I will meet you when I do come back to take pictures of D.  It’s great your a photographer too. You can check out my work just so you can be sure I am just a curious photographer;

Thanks again,
Sophie x

Her website is very nice and she takes nice photos.  This is kinda cool! This is so wonderfully random, and, of course, you’d hate me for interfering like this, but this is my job as a parent.  Not long to go until I can no longer interfere…

I saved the photos she took and sent to you here

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