Saturday 6th of November 2011 – Goodbye Kittens, so long and thanks for eating all the fish…

Saturday 6th of November 2011 – Goodbye Kittens, so long and thanks for eating all the fish…

The last kitten, Elmer, has gone…  to Andy.

They all had homes to go to.  Steph got mini-Rusty and Tom (now called Isis and Osiris), Vicky got Cohen, your friends Joe and Tina got the other black and ginger (Shelly who the vet said was a girl but in fact was a boy) and Swirly.

What a wonderful experience it’s been.  Although I’m glad I no longer have to constantly clean the litter tray…  I miss them already. I have also booked Rusty to be neutered…

Kittens video playlist:

Kittens photos:

Elmer and Rusty P1120740
Elmer and Rusty

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