Friday 12th of February 2010 – Test Results

Friday 12th of February 2010 – Test Results

I missed parents evening on Wednesday (was ill) but the next day you had your test results to give us. We thought they didn’t publish them unless requested, but seems we were wrong. You did well! 5th best in the school (year 6) and 2nd best boy. You got 91.2%. Even with those results we still won’t know which school you will go into until the beginning of March – when you’re away on your PGL trip for a week.

We’ll know, when you get back, which school you will be going to. If they put you in Southfields we’ll appeal though, because Jo’s sisters told us it’s not a very good school when we were there… And It’s too far anyway.

Drumroll… The max score is 141 per test. I wonder if you’ll remember the 2-3 months we spent working for this! It was mostly fun, sometimes not so fun, but it was worth it!!!! We didn’t have to pay anyone to tutor you through these as I did it myself after school/weekends. It really didn’t take much work, once you did a few of the tests you advanced and improved fast.
AR1 (Abstract Reasoning) = 128/141
NVR2 (Non Verbal Reasoning) – 132/141
VR2 (Verbal Reasoning) – 126/141

We are so very proud of you!!!

So now we’re off for a well deserved holiday on the Canary Islands!

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