Tuesday 9th of February 2010 – Guitar Hero replacement

Tuesday 9th of February 2010 – Guitar Hero replacement

Well, here’s another reason why humanity as we know it needs to stop to exist…

We got Guitar Hero Band for Christmas, including the drum kit, but after a while the two orange/yellow cymbals stopped working properly. I was having to hit them with such force I was missing the next note, my score was suffering.

On Saturday I wrote to Amazon’s customer service about it, and asked for replacement cymbals. I didn’t check my email after that (well, it was only 3 days ago!!!!) and then today someone knocks at the door and delivers a rather large box.

I thought ‘Oh no, I must have done something stupid and clicked on one click order when in fact I wanted to get in touch with customer service’. So I checked my emails, and there it was:

Amazon.co.uk items (Sold by Amazon EU S.a.r.L.):
1 Guitar Hero: World Tour – … £0.00 1 £0.00
Shipped via City Link
Item Subtotal: £0.00
Shipping and handling: £0.00
Total: £0.00

I have got a cold (that’s why I was home to answer the door to this rather unexpected delivery) and have been in a most crazy mood, like very very very irritable and stressed out. Well, that was like the last straw what broke the camel’s back…

I phoned Amazon customer service, after a frustrating 10 minutes trying to find a number to ring (Use the ‘Help’ link, then clicking on ‘how do I contact customer service’) and asked why on earth was I sent a whole new Guitar Band set when I specifically said only the cymbals weren’t working.

‘They are part of a bundle, madam, so we have to send out the whole thing”

OMFG, are you kidding me? She said I could just put the old cymbals in the box and get the new ones out, and send the rest back. Yes, of course, now that I have the opportunity of replacing the whole drum kit, why would I only swap the cymbals? In the end I decided to replace the whole thing, and asked to have the box with the other one collected, as there’s no way I was dragging that massive box to the post office… I was a right spoilt & demanding consumer. Shame on them, shame on me. We all must die. Humanity is a joke.

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