Tuesday 16th of February 2010 – Gran Canaria

Tuesday 16th of February 2010 – Gran Canaria

Absolutely humongous storm in the morning! Very scary stuff, but also amazing. We have such a great view of the mountain from our apt, and there is a little bird who always sings outside, a bit like a robin, slightly smaller. And it sings a lot louder. The only sound we hear is birds singing. The sea is about 10 minute walk away so we can’t hear that. It’s so peaceful. It’s a very small and quiet town, not full of tourists or clubs. I think there is one club. And many many restaurants.


We tried the breakfast at the hotel for the first time, and it was nice! Big buffet with lots of yummy food! Lots of it. Will do it again!!!

We bought a ready-made Spanish omelette from the dino supermarket, and had that for lunch, it was very delicious. Must do Spanish omelette at home! We decided to walk up the zig-zag road, as, once the storm finished, it was cloudy, and I was dying to go up there. After 20 minutes the sun came up very strong! Luckily we had suncream. We spent a good 2-3 hours exploring the area. It was amazing, will let the photos speak for themselves. We were pretty dehydrated by the end though, and got a bit sunburnt… The sun is so strong when it does come out. Normally you only get about 6 days of rain a year in the islands. I guess we got lucky with all the rain… Which is causing a fair bit of disruption. Las Palmas airport was shut (it’s an island nearby). Luckily I speak Spanish so we have been watching the local news. This year has been particularly bad. Not so long ago they had another set of bad storms and one person died.

We came down and stayed in the pool until around 6. Then we had dinner on a restaurant in the marina. Spanish this time, Tapas. It cost 70 euros with tips… Prices are very similar to London, really. For a similar meal you’d pay the same. Alcohol is cheaper though.

While at the restaurant a deaf guy came around selling toys and some bits and bobs and we ended up buying the cow lighter. A source of much amusement to us all.

Photos from Tuesday: https://www.flickr.com/photos/plasmatika/shares/9cci4p

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