Thursday 18th of February 2010 – Gran Canaria

Thursday 18th of February 2010 – Gran Canaria

Woke up to horrendous weather again, in fact, didn’t get much sleep as the wind was blowing so hard, and water was pouring from the drain onto the balcony, making that sound of water against tile. Still we went down to reception at 8:30, but were pretty convinced our 4×4 tour would be cancelled. The weather forecast predicted a lot of wind for today and those cars are open top. No chance! We had to call the rep, because no one bothered to inform us about the cancellation…

We headed down to the beach to watch the storm, it was magnificent. Winds were meant to reach 120km/h but I think it was less where we were staying. Very freaky weather. Lots of snow in Spain too, most unusual.

We also walked around the marina, the town is so lovely. We sat by the ‘Puerto de Mogan’ building, the sun came out, and you started spotting crabs. There were so many, red and also black. You took lots of photos of them as well as some of the waves in the sea, during the storm, earlier. Later we went to the pool, we were the only people there at first, and it was so windy!!!! J and I had a bottle of Cava, more people turned up as the weather calmed down. We went up to our apt, to read in the balcony. We borrowed a sun lounger, as we only had two, and took turns reading Adrian Mole, which I bought for you recently. ah, how we laughed! Very funny stuff.

You and J went out to play pool in the evening, I stayed in reading…

Photos from Thursday:

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