Sunday 14th of February 2010 – Gran Canaria – Sat/Sunday

Sunday 14th of February 2010 – Gran Canaria – Sat/Sunday

We left the house at around 11, and I drove to Gatwick, it took nearly two hours, but we got there in plenty of time. You got sick in the car, luckily we had a plastic bag.

For once we didn’t have to queue to check in!!! The flight took 3:50 mins, and there was a lot of turbulence, we were stuck on some current or other. I hate flying and felt a bit dead upon landing. Then it took nearly two hours to get to Cordial Mogan Valle in Puerto de Mogan.

It was about 10:30pm when we finally got out to have some dinner, ate at the first restaurant we found and paid a small fortune for sausage and chips, microwaved lasagne and a nice pizza, plus some wine and rather large orange juice. 40 euros. Although 9 euros were a tip, on account of them being so friendly. Everyone in Mogan is friendly. It’s their job. Still, they do it rather well.

Woke up on Sunday and went to Hyperdino (the dinosaur supermarket), spent 60 euros on some food and drinks. Bearing in mind the value of the Euro at the moment this is all very expensive! Had breakfast (croissant, bread, banana, yoghurt, coffee). The apt. (very nice indeed, the hotel is only 2 years old) had a coffee machine, but we couldn’t find any filters in the supermarket, so stuck with instant instead. I was really looking forward to fresh, ground coffee. meh.

At 11:30am we met Michelle, our rep, there were 2 other families there. While we talked a massive massive storm was going on, there was so much rain you couldn’t see the mountain in front of the hotel!!! We wanted to go on a 4×4 tour but decided to book later, to see what the weather would be like (which was a mistake).

The rain stopped by lunchtime so we went down to the marina, to try and go on the yellow submarine tour, but that was shut due to bad weather. Choppy seas probably don’t go well with submarines? We ate at the fishermen’s restaurant. J really enjoyed his fish, you had a 1/2 pollo (chicken) and I had a tuna, which I didn’t really enjoy. The wine was good though.

You and J swam in the rain, I told you it would be warm and it was!!! We also booked the trip for Thursday, as Monday had been fully booked by the afternoon. There was also a bit of sun in later afternoon…

For dinner we went to Cordial Valle’s buffet, which wasn’t bad and it was reasonably priced. After that we ventured to the bar, for some ‘entertainment’. Basically it was a family doing a lot of acrobatics, until an old man walks in and wants to throw knives badly at people. Of course he wasn’t going to kill his family so he decides to pick someone from the audience. We were right at the back and I was hiding, but he decided to pick me. Well the rest is history, basically I had blindfolds on and I truly believed he threw knives at me, thankfully he didn’t it was all pretend. Everyone laughed, at me, and I blushed a lot. It was fun!

We played some pool then had some more drinks, then bed. Never stayed in a resort like that before. Like an upmarket Butlins…

Photos from Saturday/Sunday:

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