Friday 19th of February 2010 – Gran Canaria

Friday 19th of February 2010 – Gran Canaria

Our last full day, and as promised and demanded time and time again by you, we headed off to Aqualand. It took two buses to get there, one to Playa del Ingles, then change there. It was sunny though, and there was no wind!!! We drove past the Hotel Riu Flamingo where we stayed last year. No contest between the two, Cordial Valle wins wins wins and it was cheaper as we booked ahead this time.

It cost 65 euros to get in! Seemed like an awful lot for just a bunch of pools and slides, and them closing the pools at 4:30, and the whole place at 5…

You and J had a brilliant time, I went down one slide and didn’t really like it (I think I’m getting old), but had a lovely time with you floating in the ‘Congo River’ which is a canal around the largest wave pool. I also loved watching the sea lions, while you and Jeff went up and down slides, I also did a bit of sunbathing…

I felt exhausted, but we went down the seafront for an Italian, and I had the bestest pasta filled with ricotta/pear and goats cheese sauce. Delicious! You had a stomach ache, so we ordered some camomile tea for you which seemed to do the trick.

Photos from Friday:

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