Monday 24th of August 2009 – Kitteh diary

Monday 24th of August 2009 – Kitteh diary
(we were babysitting a friend’s cat, so I started to write this from the cat’s viewpoint).

Something really messed up happened last night. I was minding my own business and jumping about the place while JC washed the dishes, when someone knocked at the door I’m NEVER EVER allowed to go out of. I looked out of the window and there’s that creature again, one I saw a couple of feeds ago. She’s tapping at the window and saying something to me, so I sniff politely as I’m a well-mannered girl cat.

She comes in, and N who was hiding under the blankets, pops her head up and they start making those cute little noises they make – then I noticed that my belongings being gathered in the hallway and I’m thinking WTF?????

So I find myself in that horrible box again, moving very very quickly and I have to tell you I ended up crying… A lot. I was pretty scared and I kept asking the lady ‘where are we going?’ and she was saying a lot of things but, apart from tone, it’s very hard to make out what the Feeders say. Anyway, I’ll refer to this one as L… I kept hiding under the blanket and every now and then she’d pop her head near the box – that would reassure me for a bit, but then the thing would start moving very quickly again and I’d nearly poop myself. Scary stuff. I did get to see lots of pretty flashy lights though!

Then, we stop, and this time the lights come on. I’m being taken out of the car and into a house! I spot my tray being put on a corner, and I know this is the chance I’ve been waiting for. It’s true what they say about being so scared you poop yourself. But I’m a well mannered cat and I managed to hold on until the time was appropriate. L seemed pretty delighted and amazed with what I produced and got J to come and take a look and admire my output.

WOW!!! A new place to explore! Now I’m having some fun – and I spend the next 3 hours sniffing everything, non-stop! Some rooms I can’t get in! But I will, just watch me. I almost managed to climb up the chimney, hehe, they clearly don’t have a cat and forgot to block it, but I got caught just in time, and they closed it off. Not to worry, there’s plenty of other unexpected holes I can get myself into, I’m sure.


I spent the dark time by myself in the kitchen, and I had those crazy round bouncy devices that drive me bonkers, I spent the whole night chasing them around, and I finally passed out when the lights were coming out again. Next thing I know the door opens, and she’s off out the other door I must NEVER EVER come out of. Every place I’ve been has them doors.

While no one was around I did a bit of reading and watered the plants as they looked parched. Then J came down the stairs and I spent the whole day following him around, watching him do stuff, jumping around to freak him out, and also entertain, as I mentioned before, I’m a well-mannered cat. One thing though, they have this miniature lion and OMG WTF – took me a few minutes to realise it wasn’t actually alive – I did paw it hard quite a few times, just to make sure. And I’ll keep doing it forever, just in case. I also nearly managed to escape through the blinds, but that window opportunity has now been closed.

Had too much fun this weekend and had no internet access :-p But last night I was allowed to sleep on their bed – for a bit anyway… I think I’m starting to win their trust and soon I’ll be allowed to sleep on the bed all night, and maybe, one day, I’ll be able to go in the garden where all the tasty birds and spiders live and get to eat some grass!

No one knows for sure why we eat grass, but some people think that, because we can’t digest it, eating it helps bring up all the hairs we swallow, which would otherwise be bad for us.