Saturday 9th of February 2008 – Winter Swimming Championships/Morrisons incident

Saturday 9th of February 2008 – Winter Swimming Championships/Morrisons incident

Your dad came to London and took you to stay at my mum’s for the weekend so J and I went to the Winter Swimming Championship. I was planning on taking you, as I didn’t know your dad was coming to London until this Tuesday.

Just a lot of ordinary people, quite a few retired, swimming in cold water. What a great day! Got a very good set of photos too:

We ended up having our Valentine’s day today, as I’m going to samba on Thursday and there’s not a lot of time in the evenings. It was great. So in love with J – it just keeps on getting better – didn’t think it could. How lucky I am. Best two guys in the world live with me!

You probably remember this, as you were upset at the time, I’m sorry it made you cry but here’s the full story, I posted this on urban75.

Originally Posted by Groucho

Near the entrance were packets of current buns. A big sign above the current buns said ‘Three for the price of two’. ‘Three for the price of two’ was also stickered on each packet. A chap whose English was not too good asked me to explain the sign. Pleased with the offer he took three packets.

Later at the checkout, as he attempted to pay for his goodies he did not have quite enough cash. This was because he had taken three packets of current buns expecting to pay for only two packets. But there were three buns in each packet and the signs actually meant that you were offered three buns for the normal price of two. The queue was held up still further because the till would not process the refund. A manager came over to explain it all and adopted a haughty manner and ‘stupid bloody foreigner’ tone and was so very sorry that all the customers were being delayed. The chap in front of me in the queue started muttering that Morrisons should label their products better. I agreed with great relief because up until that point I felt like skulking away having misled the poor shopper in the first place.

Needless to say the shop did not explode in a riot with current buns being thrown everywhere, which is what should have happened.


Originally Posted by me

I’m sorry but I think this is quite funny

p.s. I once walked out of Morrisons with a trolley containing under 10 items, because I got in the queue that said ‘basket only/10 items or less’ and for some reason I wasn’t allowed to stay in that queue because I had a trolley (I had a trolley so my son could sit in it while I shopped). A really mean man told me I should get off the queue, and a woman, and the checkout lady and everyone was giving me dirty looks while I explained that I had less than 10 items. But no, I should get off the queue and wasn’t getting served, said the checkout woman. I just said ‘fine’ and walked out half expecting security to stop me, at which point I was planning on getting management and really kicking up a fuss over how I was treated.

But no one stopped me! So I just carried on going, and no one stopped me! I got in the car, loaded the shopping in the boot, and still, no one stopped me!

no one stopped me!


Originally Posted by Groucho

I love you*

*health warning – this is a fleeting feeling, a flicker, brought on my admiration and getting one over on Morrisons.

My reply:

After that I went shopping in Waitrose for a couple of weeks. But I didn’t like it there so much because I didn’t know where everything was. And the same products were more expensive.

So I chanced it and went back to Morrisons, I was really worried that someone would recognise me. But no one did. And a few weeks later I even went to the checkout where the ‘incident’ happened, same woman. She didn’t even look at me twice, so no recognition there either, which saddened me a little.

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