Thursday, 13th of November 2008 – Guardian July Photo Competition

Thursday, 13th of November 2008

Guardian July Photo Competition

I’d forgotten I entered a photo of you taken in Perranporth Beach (during our holiday in Cornwall, July 2007) to the Guardian’s July 08 photo comp, see if you can spot it:

This is the photo:
“My son playing with the seagulls on Perranporth beach in Cornwall – we get mostly pigeons in London, so it was great to have some other type of bird trying to steal our food…”

J has been teaching you how to DJ, and it’s been good fun, we did a couple of back2back sessions, you and me, one record each – I can’t mix to save my life but it’s so much fun as I don’t know any of the records so I never know what’s coming next. The radio show ( was at our house again last Sunday, Kim, Paul and Mark came over to do it, and your friends Perry and Tony came over too – to play for a couple of hours.

You ended up drinking 3 and half glasses of Coke and feeling quite ill – you even missed school on Monday. That stuff is evil, I tell you. I drank a bottle of wine and nearly got sick too… I should really learn: no MORE than two glasses of wine EVER. You started doing Karate on Monday AND Thursdays (you asked to), which is good news, more exercise for you!

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