Monday 30th of April 2007 – Work Move House Move

Monday 30th of April 2007 – Work Move House Move

Just a quick update, things have been a bit manic and very busy…

On the 16th of April we got relocated to the Southbank building, nearest station Waterloo… You were having your Easter Hols that week and were up in Manchester, which was just as well, as we had so much to organise. So now I sit by the window and can see the London Eye. Photos of the office move are here:

The office is nice, apparently there are 4000 people in this building! The location is very good too, lots to explore – although admittedly I don’t really have a lunch break as I have to leave work early to pick you up from school, but it’s nice to have a change. On the downside, we were given a ‘kitchen’ without a sink and I’m pissed off about it, as well as others, as I like to prepare my own food, rather than eating the food they have in the canteen here, which is not bad, but it’s a lot cheaper if I made my own food.

We officially moved to our new home on the 19th of April! J had the removal men take all his stuff. So far we’ve been moving our stuff in my car, I did about 5 trips, carried lots of weight (good workout, mostly on my own as J was at work, you helped out on a couple of trips). Now I just need to hire a van to bring the bed and filing cabinet and it’s all done. Yesterday we went to Ikea and got our first bit of furniture for the house: coffee table and a trunk for the hallway.

There’s a nice green in front of our house and you seem to like being there (rather than in our back garden) as you can go on your bike and you met a boy called Charlie you like to play with your water pistols together. Sadly he’s moving to Brighton in a couple of months. The place is ideal and it felt like home from the start, we know the neighbours already.

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