Friday 23rd of March 2007 – Imaginative tales

Friday 23rd of March 2007 – Imaginative tales

Well, it turns out you’re quite the story teller, the whole archery thing was made up, with fine details taken from Robin Hood and your over imaginative head. The only reason you owned up was because after the school report on the 14th of March with your teacher (she had only praise for you as always) I said I’d forgotten to mention the archery lessons. And that I ought to mention it to her as I was so proud. At that point you realised it was time to tell the truth to avoid embarrassment – which is also quite clever.

We were having dinner at this point and you burst out laughing, saying you made it all up, just like the story you had told me a couple of days earlier. A very elaborate story about how a friend of yours in school was playing football, he then fell and got a MASSIVE cut on his stomach, you were the referee so you had to shout for help, then an ambulance came to get him and his parents were blaming the school… All made up too. But incredibly well told!!! I was too impressed to tell you off, your dad was going on about how he’ll never be able to believe you again. You’ve been writing some cool little stories too. You’re such a good storyteller, must be from the Irish side of the family. I’m pretty sure there’s some Irish in your dad’s side somewhere, as well as Scottish, you probably know better than I do it as no doubt nana will have given you the full family history: she’s another one who’s good at story telling.

Still waiting to exchange contracts for the house, getting there slowly. I don’t think it’ll be as bad as my flat though, that took 6 months to complete!!!!

Louise, another internet friend, was hosting a radio show at her house a couple of weeks ago and she asked J to DJ. She also has a daughter (Lilly) who’s a year younger than you, and we brought you along. She also came to your birthday, as, at the time Louise was going with Hollis, from urban75, but they split up now. I asked Lilly to come for a sleepover this Saturday and we can have a nice roast on Sunday. The two of you got on really well, and I really like Louise. Sadly I haven’t heard much from Aurelia, she’s bad at keeping in touch and so am I, we’re both busy and once you stop doing the same thing/move in the same circles, it’s just near impossible to keep in touch regularly…

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