Wednesday 7th of March 2007 – Archery

Wednesday 7th of March 2007 – Archery

About 4 weeks ago you asked me if you could do the archery lessons in your school, I said yes and thought, how unusual! Archery lessons?!?! It was going to cost about £2 a lesson, which I was going to pay.

Then about 2 weeks later you said you don’t need to pay for the lessons, you and another boy were the only people to hit the 30 meter target and you get to do it for free – this Monday you tried the 40 and 50 meter target, apparently. Myself and your dad were a bit puzzled by the whole thing, wondering if you made it all up, but your descriptions are quite detailed, about plastic arrows having to be thrown up in the air, then coming down, and wooden arrows being thrown straight, and that so far you’ve only used the plastic one and that you get 10 shots per target. How unexpected! Turns out you’re very good at it. You can hit 10 out of 10 on the 30 meter target, and 3 out of 10 on 40 meters.

You had an eye test about two weeks ago and the doctor said your eyesight actually improved from last year, he said you have very good eyesight, I hope you got your vision from your dad’s side, none of them needs glasses… On my side, both mother and I need glasses. I don’t think my dad was shortsighted, but I don’t really know. He didn’t wear glasses as far as I remember. So you’re in with a good change of not wearing glasses. Which is a good thing really, they are expensive!

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