Tuesday 15th of August 2006 – Flexible work and new floorboards

Tuesday 15th of August 2006 – Flexible work and new floorboards

Just had a meeting with my managers and it’s all good. From September I’ll be finishing work at 15:20, picking you up from school and we’re off home. Then I’ll make up the remaining 7 hours at home, either in the evening or weekends, whenever it suits me. This is subject to a 3 month review, but I’m sure it’ll work out fine.

This is great news, we can spend more time together, I’ve been getting this dreadful feeling that you are growing so fast, another 5 years and you’ll be a teenager, so this extra time together is such a blessing! Arndale is still going to close, sadly. I booked a place for you at the nearest after school group at Brandlehow school, in case I need to work a full day, or have training and also if required at 1/2 term.

Your dad said that he’s likely to be coming down to London at least once a month, more likely every two weeks – so you’ll still be seeing him regularly, which is good. He asked if he could stay at our place for those weekends, and so he’ll be staying there.

We spent last weekend laying the new floor in the living room, now my body is so sore, it was the toughest DIY I’ve ever done, J helped out lots, I wouldn’t have been able to do it without him! He was doing the hammering of the boards, I was doing the wood cutting, as I seemed to get the hang of cutting, and he was better at hammering. Good teamwork!


Taken in 2004, trying new school uniform
Taken in 2004, trying new school uniform

New floorboards
New floorboards

My hands are still aching!  I think that’s a sausage in your mouth.

Phone just rang, it was you and we were making plans about what we’ll do now that we have the afternoon to ourselves: swimming, cycling, basketball, one afternoon to watch a movie.  You said you’d write it all down in your diary.  This is so cool, I’m really looking forward to our new routine!

Home Improvements set  https://www.flickr.com/photos/plasmatika/sets/72057594071321356/

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