Monday 12th of September 2005 – Trying to get to a gig

Monday 12th of September 2005 – Trying to get to a gig

Interesting fact, I read it on the back of a packet of crisps but had no idea: Not all pirates who wore eye patches did so because their eye was missing, they wore it so their eyes would become very sensitive and would be better adjusted to the dark, so that they could sail at night and see the stars more accurately. It makes perfect sense when I think about it!

You’ve been back to school for a week now, but I can’t get you to go to bed at 8, it’s been 8:30 all week, and you have been tired. Today you were shattered, you woke up at 6:10 (when R’s alarm clock went off, you were staying at his place this weekend) and when I met you before school you were very tired, bless… As we were very early, we came to my office and played minesweeper and hearts on the computer for a bit. You’ll be having an early night tonight!

I spent the weekend with J, on Saturday we stayed at our flat in Islington, we lazed around all day. I wanted to take some photos of all the construction which is going on around that area (N7) but the sky wasn’t blue, so I’ll have to wait to do it some other time. Then later in the evening we drove back to Brixton while watching a seriously mad thunderstorm! We got to J’s, had something to eat, then went to The Albert (a pub in Brixton, where a lot of the urbanites meet) as it was Shippou-Chan’s 24th birthday. We just had a couple of drinks (I had 2 bloody Mary’s, I love them), but we were back home by midnight. On Sunday we did even less, and stayed at J’s all day. It was nice to have a quiet weekend, it’s been a while since we did that! J taught me about the rules of Cricket, once you know what’s happening it’s not so incredibly dull, I even got mildly into it for a little while… There’s been so much fuss about ‘The Ashes’, even I got sucked in! After that J went online to buy some records, so we spent the afternoon listening to what was on offer, I sort of tried to read the paper, but ended up helping J chose what to buy. Then we watched the last hour of “2001 Space Odissey”, cooked a lovely roast lamb, got really stuffed and lied down for the rest of the night! J’s mum phoned up, we’re invited to lunch next Saturday! You’ll finally meet his mum and dad, and possibly his sister too. J’s mum and sister are both teachers, and teach 6 year olds… This could be interesting! J reckons she’s more nervous about it than I am (I’m not really nervous, strangely enough). I’m looking forward to it! Because I know they’ll love you!

J’s mum wasn’t too impressed when he first told her he was seeing someone who had a son, but it seems she’s finally come around to the idea, being as it’ll soon be 3 years that we’ve been seeing each other, albeit on and off. His dad never had a problem with it.

Friday night was a nightmare. J and I decided to go to an event at The Garage, in Highbury in Islington, but the journey was just the worst journey ever! We got on the District Line at East Putney, but it took ½ an hour to crawl to Parsons Green, at which point we just got out of the train, as there were severe delays on the District Line. It had been raining, there were signal failures, blah, blah…

From Parsons Green we got on a bus towards South Kensington, planning to get on the Picadilly Line, as we were supposed to go to King’s Cross first and meet a couple of J’s friends. We were on the bus for about another 30 minutes, the traffic was awful, when, near Sloane Sq., and an old guy decided that the bus driver had been rude to him and point blank refused to leave the bus. He was just stood with one foot on the door and another one on the pavement, daring the driver to ‘come on, drive off’. After a 10 minute stand-off, we were all telling the man to just get off, he was just delaying everyone else for no reason, and he wasn’t making any sense whatsoever, another bus showed up, so we all got off and got on the other bus, leaving him on the other bus. At that point, the drunken, belligerent old man just got off the bus – he clearly just wanted some attention…

The other bus took us to Victoria, and we got on the Victoria Line… But when we got to Oxford Circus the service got suspended because of ‘passenger action’ at Highbury & Islington. It was also incredibly hot and muggy on the tube! We took the Central Line to Holborn, but first of all had to wait for ages for the tube to show up. We were both feeling deflated by then! We finally got on the Picadilly Line but decided to give King’s Cross a miss, it was past 9 o’clock already! Grrr. We got off at Caledonian Rd., stopped at mine so I could get changed. It was so hot, I was covered in sweat, J had to have a shower.

Then we went to The Garage, where a night called ‘Sick and Twisted’ was on… J liked one of the DJ’s mixes, Broken Yolk, and that’s how we ended up there… My pet hate is Gabba, and there was plenty of that, there was some good stuff too, and lots of cyber punks hanging around, with some seriously pierced up people, including a well known guy who had some hedgehog type piercings implanted all over his head… The strange things people do just to look different! We left at 2 because my ears were beginning to hurt and I was getting tired of trying to dance as though I was having an epileptic fit: The music was so start and stop, so choppy, that I just gave up in the end. Some of the other genres for the night included:
Digital Hardcore, drill’n’bass, industrial, techno and other evil noise from Broken Yolk, Anxt and Alex B. Total Output provide live breakcore

Anyway, it was interesting, but give me techno and breakbeats any day of the week. I think I understand why ‘Sick and Twisted’ is called that! The music was way too dark!!!

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