Tuesday, 9th of April 2002

Tuesday 9th of April 2002

It’s the Queen Mum’s funeral today, but no day off. They have put a screen in Hades so we can watch it downstairs for an hour or so. I think I’ll go down and have a look, I still don’t have a lot of work to do. Guess I’ll try and learn JDBC or something useful to put on my CV.

The big news at the moment is the conflict in the middle-east (Israel-Palestine) and how the Israeli government decided to exterminate the civilians (Palestinians) so that they can get rid of all suicide bombers. I guess it makes a perverse sort of sense: If you kill all Palestinians there will be no suicide bombers left…

The Americans (who supplied Israel with its military arsenal in the first place) have given in to public opinion around the world and told Israel to back off, but that’s all they have done. The Arabs are annoyed with the situation and Saddam Hussein (the ‘owner’ of Saudi Arabia) has said that he would not sell oil anymore and he was prepared to fight with his fists against the Americans. So, things are getting very, very serious. Since September the 11th the world has turned into an even scarier place to live in, and it has been very volatile, everywhere, especially the middle-east. We really have to sort ourselves out, what a complete mess humanity has turned the world into!

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