Thursday, 14th of February 2002

Thursday 14th of February 2002

Emma has had a baby!!! On Saturday, at around 2 pm. She was going to go to hospital on Friday to be induced. Then they cancelled as there were no beds, and changed it to the next day. The next day the labour started of its own accord, and by the time they got to hospital she was 5cm dilated already! She got there in 2 hours, super fast labour, and wasn’t even induced. She said the pain was agonising and she just turned into a mad animal, ruled by her pain. About an hour or so later she had got to 8cm but baby (Nathaniel) got stuck, as he was facing the wrong way (spine to spine). As he was on distress (fast heartbeat, meconium in placenta – sounds similar to your birth…), and Emma had managed to get an epidural, they did a caesarean. Everything is fine, they got back home yesterday! I wish we could be there to see them.

Another little gem from you. The other day you were banging your scissors against the wall, and I said that if you broke them you wouldn’t have any scissors left to play with. You didn’t say anything for a little while and then “When I’m older, about 40 years old, I’m going to go out on myself and get new scissors”. It’s just so interesting to observe how things get processed in your little head!

Happy Valentine’s day!

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