Monday, 21st of January 2002

Monday, 21st of January 2002

More gems from you:
• “Who thinks what this is?” (for ‘what do you think this is?’)
• “Hittopotamus”
• “Impetation” (Invitation)
• “Mummy, is your winky under your hairy thing?” When I answered no, you said, “Yes, it is, your winky is under the hairy thing!”
• “Mummy fagrilla” (mummy gorilla, referring to Tarzan, as you always role play being baby Tarzan and I’m mummy gorilla).
• You have been scared of germs lately, since watching Rugrats. You think they are big monsters…
• You dreamt that a beetle was eating your leg and woke up very upset. I spent ages trying to convince you that it was just a dream.
• “Mummy, I’ll tell you a story that’ll make you feel better, ’cause I’m a conductor”
• “I’m the boss” (I used to say that until you started saying it, I just had to stop)
• “I love mummy tuticia.”
• “I want to be the Princess before she gets big” (While watching Shrek for the 100th time, “before she gets big” means before she turns into an ogre).

Yesterday we were playing hide and seek in the house for ages. It’s you new favourite game, only you keep telling us where you’re going to hide before we even count… You still don’t get the purpose of the game, it’s so funny! You say: “Right, you count to 10, then I hide under the sofa, then you say ‘Here I come, ready or not'”.

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